Wednesday, August 17, 2011

When ADHD Attacks

Yeah yeah yeah, I know. I am a total tease when it comes to writing, but here I am now. I think my main problem is that I wait too long to write, and then I have some massive blog post to write that I hate writing, and you all hate reading. So maybe I'll stick to shorter, less detailed oriented blog posts. But for a nice change of pace, how 'bout the new layout? I'm still working on it, but the greenness was getting a little too much. Every time I opened my blog it looked like someone had puked all over it and written something in the middle with alphabet noodles. I'm not sure how I feel about the whole space thing in the background, but I'll play around and see what I can do (I mean, it's not like I'm doing anything else, right?)

Since my last post I had a visitor. The girl I went to go see in Kiev (remember, I don't use names on my blog) came to Georgia. Once again, the details of her visit I don't feel like going over, but we have PLENTY of Facebook pictures, so go check them out if you wish. We were in Kobuleti first, then we were in Keda, then Batumi. It was a great 11 days, but too be honest, it was a little short. I also know this may have come off as a bit of a surprise to many people, especially people back in the USA whom I didn't even tell about this girl. I'm sorry about that.

The 2 months I've been wandering around a lot. I haven't had a lot of time to just sit down and relax. It also means I haven't had a lot of time to sit and study my Georgian or get ready for the coming year. There's really a lot I need to do, and not a lot of time. Ugh... I still don't think this summer was as big of a waste as last summer. For one thing I don't play Internet Checkers as much (yay!). And I think my movie watching has decreased 60%.

Really, I know a lot of you who know me know how much trouble I have with motivation. Before getting into Peace Corps there was a serious thought I might have ADHD (it did take me 6 months to write the Peace Corps essays), which would explain a lot. I really don't think people realize how annoying and frustrating this can be. It's hard to be in a job, and know there's something I need to do. Knowing what needs to be done. But as soon as I sit down to do the work guess what happens? Nothing. In fact, even if I turn the internet off, I can be at my computer for 2 hours and have NO idea what I had been doing.

I think there's a tendency to laugh it off a bit, especially from me. It's really kind of annoying and pretty depressing to deal with. Where's Small World Coffee (a small coffee shop in Princeton I used to be able to work in) when I need it? It doesn't help that Georgian culture enables this. I know some people have this idea that it's a load of crap. That if someone wants to do it, they should just do it. Yeah, tried that approach, it doesn't work. The only thing that seems to work is large doses of caffeine. I sometimes have brief moments of reflection where I'm able to write and do A LOT. Hmmm, I probably sound a lot like American politicians right now. "Hey, we have sooooo much to do, but we just can't/won't do anything about it!"

See, you know I'm putting off doing work (writing a grant) when I'm writing in my blog. I know I've written about this before, but it's true! Here's the last post about this, and a list of everything I should/would do. Well, I don't think I did any of those. I really need someone behind me with hot/sharp metal objects to motivate me.

Now ADHD is kicking in again and I don't feel like writing anymore.



  1. Sucks man. Hopefully they've got a ton of coffee in Georgia? I didn't mind the old layout either, but space is cool. GOod luck

  2. oooh I love the new layout! Way awesome!

  3. This newer post-space layout is greatness. Still like the old name - "Tales of a Lyon"
