Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I got interviewed by some newspapers this past week. One was an opposition newspaper located in Batumi that I think is famous amongst PCVs for writing the article “Where to Find Prostitutes 5 Lari and Up”. The other newspaper, which actually had to reschedule is the newspaper for Keda. Apparently the fitness center has made a pretty big splash in many areas. I heard that directors from other regions in Adjara came to see how we did it and what we had. The newspapers have been waiting, and now suddenly appear. Peace Corps told me it’s a matter of time before the news stations come out as well. Hopefully I’ll be on a plane back to the USA before that happen—I don’t like cameras—or reporters.

Still, it was nice telling my story and having the journalist look at me, tilt her head and go “How old are you?” “I’m 25.” “And you planned all THIS?” I’ve been approached several times on the street with people saying, “Tom, thank you for the fitness center, it’s wonderful.” A lot of men tell me this, but from what I hear men hardly use the center. Women are in there all the time, though. I’m just very pleased with the way it all turned out. My school life may not be something I enjoy talking about, and I don’t make a great English teacher, but this development stuff I really enjoy doing.

With TLG volunteers pouring into schools I think Peace Corps may want to think about changing its mission here. Whenever I’m asked about the new Volunteers coming to the Keda region I just say “I don’t know.” Honestly, I have no idea. I just think that Peace Corps teachers have done excellent work here, but maybe let the Georgian government work out their own schools and let Peace Corps focus on what we do best: clubs, sports, development, camps, and gender projects. I just hope whoever the new Volunteer in Keda is will utilize the fitness center as a resource to do healthy lifestyle trainings and fitness classes; which I unfortunately ran out of time and money to do.

Good luck G-12s.

Less than one month!!

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